
The WVModel is responsible for time-stepping (integrating) the ocean state forward in time, as represented by a WVTransform.


Assuming you have already initialized a WVTransform, e.g.,

  wvt = WVTransformConstantStratification([Lx, Ly, Lz], [Nx, Ny, Nz], N0,latitude=latitude);

and maybe set some initial conditions, you can then initialize the model,

  model = WVModel(wvt)

By default the model only takes a linear time-step. To specify a nonlinear flux on initialization, for example,

  model = WVModel(wvt,nonlinearFlux=QGPVE(wvt,u_damp=wvt.uvMax));

You can also initialize a model from existing output,

  model = WVModel.modelFromFile('SomeFile.nc');
