
Returns the positions of the floats at the current time as well as the value of the fields being tracked.


 [x,y,z,tracked] = floatPositions()


The tracked variable is a structure, with fields named for each of the requested fields being tracked.

In the following example, float positions are set along with one tracked field

  % Set up the integrator
  nT = model.setupIntegrator(timeStepConstraint="oscillatory", outputInterval=period/10,finalTime=3*period);
  % write the float trajectories to memory
  xFloatT = zeros(nT,nTrajectories);
  yFloatT = zeros(nT,nTrajectories);
  zFloatT = zeros(nT,nTrajectories);
  rhoFloatT = zeros(nT,nTrajectories);
  t = zeros(nT,1);
  [xFloatT(1,:),yFloatT(1,:),zFloatT(1,:),tracked] = model.floatPositions;
  rhoFloatT(1,:) = tracked.rho_total;