Reading and writing to file

The WVTransform and the WVModel both read and write to NetCDF files.


After you create a WVTransform instance

wvt = WVTransformConstantStratification([50e3 50e3 1300], [64 64 32]);

you call writeToFile


and all the information needed to exactly re-create the wvt instance will be written to file.

To create a new WVTransform instance from file, call the static method waveVortexTransformFromFile

wvt2 = WVTransform.waveVortexTransformFromFile('');

The two instances wvt and wvt2 are now equivalent.

Adding variables

Any variable that the WVTransform instance knows about (including custom variables) can also be written to file, but including its name in the variable argument list. For example, if you want to add the variables \(u\), \(v\), and \(\zeta_z\) then call,


and the data will be written, accessible from anything that reads NetCDF files.

Reading model output

Model output contains multiple time points from which the a WVTransform instance can be initialized. To initialize a WVTransform instance from a specific point in the model output, call

wvt = WVTransform.waveVortexTransformFromFile('',iTime=100);

where iTime=100 indicates the index along the time dimension.

It is often the case that for analysis of model output, you want to read the model output at multiple time points. You could intialize a new WVTransform instance at each time index, but this involves unnecessary computation. Instead, you should update the existing WVTransform instance wvt with the data from that time point.

First load the NetCDF file, then initialize the existing instance from a specific time point in that file with initFromNetCDFFile. For example,

ncfile = NetCDFFile('');


Time series model output is created with

model = WVModel(wvt,nonlinearFlux=WVNonlinearFlux(wvt,shouldAntialias=1));

which can then be read in using the above commands.