
transform wave-vortex coefficients \((A_+,A_-,A_0)\) to fluid variables \((u,v,\eta)\).


 [u,v,w,n] = transformWaveVortexToUVWEta(self,Ap,Am,A0,t)


  • Ap positive wave coefficients at reference time t0
  • Am negative wave coefficients at reference time t0
  • A0 geostrophic coefficients at reference time t0
  • t (optional) time of observations


  • u x-component of the fluid velocity
  • v y-component of the fluid velocity
  • w z-component of the fluid velocity
  • n scaled density anomaly


This function is the inverse WVTransform. It is a linear transformation denoted \(\mathcal{L}\).

This function is not intended to be used directly (although you can), and is kept here to demonstrate a simple implementation of the transformation. Instead, you should initialize the WVTransform using one of the initialization functions.