
converts nonlinear flux into energy flux


 [Ep,Em,E0] = energyFluxFromNonlinearFlux(Fp,Fm,F0,options)


  • Fp nonlinear flux into the Ap coefficients
  • Fm nonlinear flux into the Am coefficients
  • F0 nonlinear flux into the A0 coefficients
  • deltaT (optional) include the deltaT term in the Euler time step


  • Ep energy flux into the Ap coefficients
  • Em energy flux into the Am coefficients
  • E0 energy flux into the A0 coefficients


Multiplies the nonlinear flux (Fp,Fm,F0) by the appropriate coefficients to convert into an energy flux.

Optional parameter deltaT added by Bailey Avila: This equation is C17 in the manuscript, but with addition of 1st term on LHS of C16 converted to energy using Apm_TE_factor or A0_TE_factor This differs from energyFlux due to the importance of the 2FF*deltaT in equation C16 at the initial condition.