
create a geometry for a doubly periodic domain


  self = WVGeometryDoublyPeriodic(Lxy, Nxy, options)


  • Lxy length of the domain (in meters) in the two periodic coordinate directions, e.g. [Lx Ly]
  • Nxy number of grid points in the two coordinate directions, e.g. [Nx Ny]
  • conjugateDimension (optional) set which dimension in the DFT grid is assumed to have the redundant conjugates (1 or 2), default is 2
  • shouldAntialias (optional) set whether the WV grid excludes the quadratically aliased modes [0 1] (default 1)
  • shouldExcludeNyquist (optional) set whether the WV grid excludes Nyquist modes[0 1] (default 1)
  • shouldExludeConjugates (optional) set whether the WV grid excludes conjugate modes [0 1] (default 1)


  • geom a new WVGeometryDoublyPeriodic instance
