
indices to convert from WV to DFT grid


 [dftPrimaryIndices, wvPrimaryIndices, dftConjugateIndices, wvConjugateIndices] = indicesFromWVGridToDFTGrid(Nz,options)


  • Nz length of the outer dimension (default 1)
  • isHalfComplex (optional) set whether the DFT grid excludes modes iL>Ny/2 [0 1] (default 1)


  • dftPrimaryIndices indices into a DFT matrix, matches wvPrimaryIndices
  • wvPrimaryIndices indices into a WV matrix, matches dftPrimaryIndices
  • dftConjugateIndices indices into a DFT matrix, matches wvConjugateIndices
  • wvConjugateIndices indices into a WV matrix, matches dftConjugateIndices


This function returns indices to quickly reformat the memory layout of a data structure on a WV grid to one on a DFT grid.

This function is should generally be faster than the function transformFromWVGridToDFTGrid if you cache these indices.