
create a wave-vortex transform for variable stratification


 wvt = WVTransformHydrostatic(Lxyz, Nxyz, options)


  • Lxyz length of the domain (in meters) in the three coordinate directions, e.g. [Lx Ly Lz]
  • Nxyz number of grid points in the three coordinate directions, e.g. [Nx Ny Nz]
  • rho (optional) function_handle specifying the density as a function of depth on the domain [-Lz 0]
  • stratification (optional) function_handle specifying the stratification as a function of depth on the domain [-Lz 0]
  • latitude (optional) latitude of the domain (default is 33 degrees north)
  • rho0 (optional) density at the surface z=0 (default is 1025 kg/m^3)


  • wvt a new WVTransformHydrostatic instance


Creates a new instance of the WVTransformHydrostatic class appropriate for disentangling hydrostatic waves and vortices in variable stratification

You must initialization by passing either the density profile or the stratification profile.