
Perform an operation and return a variable using a WVTransform


classdef WVOperation < handle


A WVOperation allows you to add new functionality to the WVTransform by defining one or more variables and creating an operation for computing those variables.

If the operation is simple and can be computed in one line, you can directly instantiate the WVOperation class and pass a function handle. For example,

  outputVar = WVVariableAnnotation('zeta_z',{'x','y','z'},'1/s^2', 'vertical component of relative vorticity');
  f = @(wvt) wvt.diffX(wvt.v) - wvt.diffY(wvt.u);

will enable direct calls to wvt.zeta_z to compute the vertical vorticity.

Note that a WVOperation that computes a single variable, must have the same name as the variable, as specified in WVVariableAnnotation.

More involved calculations may require subclassing WVOperation and overriding the compute method. Note that every variable returned by the compute operation must be described with a WVVariableAnnotation.


  • Initialization
    • WVOperation create a new WVOperation for computing a new variable
  • Computation
  • Properties
    • f function handle to be called when computing the operation
    • nVarOut number of variables returned by the computation
    • name of the operation
    • outputVariables array of WVVariableAnnotations describing the outputs of the computation
  • Other