
3D nonlinear flux for Boussinesq flow, appropriate for numerical modeling


WVNonlinearFlux < WVNonlinearFluxOperation


Computes the nonlinear flux for a Boussinesq model, and has options for anti-aliasing and damping appropriate for running a numerical model. This is not the simplest implementation, but instead adds some complexity in favor of speed. The BoussinesqSpatial class shows a simple implementation.

The damping is a simple Laplacian, but with a spectral vanishing viscosity (SVV) operator applied that prevents any damping below a cutoff wavenumber. The SVV operator adjusts the wavenumbers being damped depending on whether anti-aliasing is applied.

This is most often used when initializing a model, e.g.,

  model = WVModel(wvt,nonlinearFlux=WVNonlinearFlux(wvt,uv_damp=wvt.uvMax));
