transforms from the spectral domain (k,l,j) to the spatial domain (x,y,z) using the F-modes
u = transformToSpatialDomainWithF(options)
(optional) variable with dimensions \((k,l,j)\) to be transformed with the wave modesA0
(optional) variable with dimensions \((k,l,j)\) to be transformed with the geostrophic modes
This is the component of the inverse discrete transformation \(D^{-1}\) that projects from the vertical modes $F$, followed by a transformation \((k,l) \mapsto (x,y)\) with a discrete Fourier transform. Mathematically we write,
\[f(x,y,z) = \mathcal{DFT}_x^{-1} \left[\mathcal{DFT}_y^{-1} \left[ \mathcal{F}^{-1} \left[ \tilde{f}^{klj} \right] \right] \right]\]The \(F\) mode projection is applicable to dynamical variables \(u\), \(v\), \(p\).
As noted in Early, et al. (2021), the vertical transforms $\mathcal{F}$ and $\mathcal{G}$ require a matrix multiplication and thus have a computational cost of,
\[N_z^2 N_x N_y\]while the horizontal transforms use an FFT algorithm and therefore scale as,
\[\frac{5}{2} N_z N_x N_y \log_2 N_x N_y - N_z N_x N_y\]Assuming that \(N_x = N_y\), the total computational cost of the horizontal and vertical transforms are approximately equal when \(10 log_2 N_x = N_z\) , or \(13 log_2 N_x = N_z\) for the hydrostatic case. This means that for a horizontal resolution of \(256^2\) the horizontal transformations dominate the computation time until approximately \(80-100\) vertical modes are used.